
last update: 26/03/2024

Game Update!:
- Bob the Robber 2
- Vex 3
- 2
- Eggy car
- Johnny Upgrade

Recently Played / Missing Games Update:
- Previously when the user hadn't played any games (or had local storage turned off) "missing" games would appear in the recently played area
- Now they appear as a random "Featured" Game

Search Bar Update:
- Old search bar down the bottom has been replaced with a new one
- Located in the navbar of the home page
- Much more tradtional, easy to find, and use

Game List Update:
- Old list removed and replaced by a new system
- New system is easier to update and has new animations
- Newer system doesnt appear in an unsorted state whilst loading

Recently Played Fix:
- Underline animation fixed, an issue that wasnt noticed for months

All Games Button Fix:
- The all games button used to link to "list.html"
- "list.html" is no longer 404 not found, it now redirects to the list on the homepage

Logo Fix:
- On certain pages the logo still appeared as the old one
- The logo has been updated to the latest on all pages, as well as a few font changes

Additional Fixes:
- Slope updated to hopefully provide more consistent gameplay
- Slope Image/Thumbnail Updated

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