
Github Website Commit History


29 New Games Added!!!!!!!!!!!:
- Awesome Planes
- Bloons Player Pack 3
- Celeste Classic
- Celeste Classic 2
- Crazy Frog
- Egg Ascent
- Emulatrix
- flOw
- Meat Boy
- Minicraft
- Mission in Snowdriftland
- OpenTTD
- Papa's Donuteria
- Pip! The Pelican
- Prince of Persia SE
- Riddle School 1
- Robot Unicorn Attack
- Rogue Soul
- Rogue Soul 2
- Ruffle SWF Player
- Snailbob
- Spelunky Classic HD
- Super Mario Bros Crossover
- Super Mario Flash
- Swords and Sandals 2
- The Adhd Dinosaur
- This is the Only Level
- Vex
- Vex 2
- Zuma

Game Updates:
- burrito bison launcha libre fix (maybe)
- Retro Bowl College poki ad removal?
- There is No Game fix
- Online games now grouped to one page each (servers are not separated)
The Binding of Isaac changed to demo version

Game of the Week:
- Featured Minicraft and Celeste Classic
- Captions "Rank #1 in Popularity"

Description and Overview UI Updates!
- New Appearance based upon Newgrounds UI
- Now includes date added, release data information, last update (on coolubg if updated)
- Playtime Information

Titlebar UI Changes:
- New Appearance based upon Newgrounds UI
- Tooltips explaining what each button does
- New icon for fullscreen 2/open in new tab
- Download button for flash games

Font Changed
- M Plus Rounded 1c to Nunito

Playtime! tracked for each indivudal game
- Playtime appears under a games title and in its info tab
- Playtime only shows if it is turned on (checkbox on homepage)
- Playtime always tracks no matter what!

Customisation Themes Update:
- Its now easy to make force seasonal theme
- Reset to Default button is back, which allows includes seasonal changes or main theme updates
- Things that didn't have theme adapting colours before now do

All Games List Changes:
- The list can now be sorted by date added and release date
- Playtime can be displayed on each game

News/Data Menu Fixes:
- Now displays closer across different screen sizes
- Buttons have a colour changing hover effect

General Bug Fixes:
- Game Description and Title changes
- Game Title changes in search and list
- Game Title letter spacing changes in search and list
Contact/About page colour updates and positioning fixes

Happy New Year!


New Games Added!!!!!!!!!!:
- Motherload
- Swords and Sandals

Game Updates:
- Burrito Bison Launcha Libre
- Choppy Orc Autosplitter
- Run 1
- Stealing the Diamond (newgrounds to stickpage)

Game of the Week:
- Featured Game changed from Burrito Bison Launcha Libre to Cactus McCoy

Customisation Themes Update:
- Christmas 2024 theme
- Previews display in 16:9 and increase in size when hovered

Navbar Changes:
- The "All Games" button is back

News/Data Menu Fixes:
- Now displays closer across different screen sizes

UI Consistency:
- Things that didnt have shadows before now do
- Carousel dots now appear closer across different screen sizes


New Games Added!!!!!!!!!:
- Burrito Bison Launcha Libre
- Choppy Orc Autosplitter
- Cut the Rope Time Travel
- Stick RPG Complete
- Swords and Souls

Game Updates:
- Polytrack (v0.4.1)

Game Thumbnail Updates!:
- Countless games have had their thumbnails updated
- Aiming for thumbnails that are higher resolution with the title/logo of the game in the image

User interface Homepage update:
- Interactive Carousel for featured and popular games
- Game title text rework, now appears over image on hover
- News/Data Menu Redesign

Navbar Redesign:
- The Navbar has been made smaller with a new shortened logo
- Game title text rework, now appears over image on hover
- Logo stays on left corner even when navbar is offscreen

Changelog Changes:
- At the top of the changelog there is a Button that links to the github commits

General Bug Fixes:
- Game Description and Title changes
- Game Title changes in search and list
- Game Title letter spacing changes in search and list
- Theme page: styling, information, and image updates (bisbiswas)


New Games Added!!!!!!!!:
- Block Blast
- Madalin Stunt Cars 2
- Retro Bowl College
- Sandtris

Game Updates:
- n-gon
- Retro Bowl
- Tanuki Sunset

User interface fix:
- Items in the Game list now get their text underlined correctly

General Bug Fixes:
- Game Description changes


New Games Added!!!!!!!:
- Bob the Robber 4
- Boxing Random
- Burrito Bison Revenge
- Little Alchemy 2
- Vex 8

Game Updates:
- Stealing the Diamond
- Stickman Hook

Game Thumbnail Updates:
- Countless games have had their thumbnails updated
- Aiming for thumbnails that are higher resolution with the title/logo of the game in the image

User interface change:
- Game list images now only have an outline when hovered
- Dark box shadow when mouse out, coloured shadow when mouse hovered
- Size increases when mouse is hovered

- Primary and Secondary url server selectors removed and replaced with google forms for various topics

Customisation Update:
- background-res is now in VW rather than px
- This means the way the background appears on one sized screen should be the same as that to another sized screen
- Halloween theme is gone (but you can bring it back)
- User created themes now featured on theme customisation page
- Preset theme data now stored in themes.js

Tab Titles:
- Fullscreen tabs now display the name of the game
When editing save files the save file name is displayed

Save File Manager Update
- Save files can now be edited from the website without needing to download them
- You can now search and filter save files

General Bug Fixes:
- Game title, description and overview changes


New Games Added!!!!!!:
- Boxel Rebound
- Burrito Bison
- Floodrunner 2
- Gun Mayhem Redux
- My Friend Pedro
- Papa's Sushiria
- Powerpuff Girls Zom-B-Gone
- Red Ball 2
- run.
- SUPERHOT Prototype
- The Impossible Quiz Book
- Vex 6
- Vex 7

Game Updates:
- Learn to Fly 2
- Polytrack (v0.3.1)

List Sorting Button Change:
- Sorting for the list is now a drop down menu

Halloween Theme:
- Everything is orange and there are some pumpkins!

General Bug Fixes:
- Every game now appears in the list (formatted_Name was formatted_name by mistake)
- Featured games is now replaced with new games - this change was made before everything else
- Game title and description changes


New Games Added!!!!!:
- Mini Metro London Demo
- MosChess
- osu! Full Remake
- Submersible
- Tetris Flash

Game Updates:
- n-gon Update

Customisation Update again again!:
- Now you can submit your own themes to be featured
- You can now easily view your customisation file to be shared and copied

Categories and Filtering:
- You can now filter the games list by categories/genres
- The multiplayer and online section is using filtering system (easy to update!)

Categories and Filtering Search:
- You now search by categories genres and keywords e.g. Driving, Online, Tetris, Nintendo, Sport
- Search no longer displays a limited amount of results

Manual Saving with coolubg-custom-saves File:
- Some Games require the user to manually save their progress as a code
- To do this you can edit a local storage file from your browser
- Currently needed for Submersible and MosChess

Additional Changes and General Bug Fixes:
- Featured Games now features less games!
- Spacing and sizing has been adjusted for the game lists (same on all screen sizes)


New Games Added!!!!:
- CircloO 2
- Doodle Jump
- Recoil
- Soccer Random
- Tube Jumpers
- Vex 5

Game Updates:
- DOOM: Marine's Best Friend Game | Select Game Screen (looks like steam re-release)
- n-gon Update

Customisation Update again!:
- There are now customisation presets that can be easily switched to
- The saved customisation now populates the settings page (its easier to make custom themes now)
- Customisation and Theming is now all stored in one file!
- Meaning you can save your customisation to your computer or transfer it to your friends! (save file manager)
- Customisation now affects the changelog (this page right here!)

Report an Issue Change:
- You can now (be directed to) reporting an issue for a game or the website

General Bug Fixes:
- Page titles have been fixed for some games
- Plants vs Zombies, and Awesome Tanks 1 & 2 now have independent game files


New Games Added!!!:
- Army of Ages
- DOOM: Marine's Best Friend (replaces DOOM js-dos)
- Sigil 1 & Sigil 2
- Papa's Pancakeria
- The Binding of Isaac
- The Impossible Quiz 2

General Bug Fixes:
- Highlighting games now doesnt highlight the wrong one


New Games Added!!:
- Connect 4 (online)
- Tunnel Rush
- js-dos
- DOOM js-dos (Now DOOM: Marine's Best Friend)
- Heretic
- Wolfenstein 3D

Report an Issue Button:
- Report an issue button now appears in the top left of the navbar
- Links to issues page on github

Code Optimisation:
- Pages.js is now used across all pages, sorting and searching by categories coming soon?

Long Game Name fix:
- Games that have names above 17 characters now progressively decrease in letter spacing
- This is so they can fit under the images without influencing their position or being cut of

General Bug Fixes:
- Page titles have been fixed for some games - please report issues :D


New Games Added!:
- 60 Seconds Burger Run
- 60 Seconds Santa Run
- Santa Run Extrahard Version!!1!!11!!!!
- Santa Run 2
- Santa Run 3
- Bloons Player Pack 2
- Hamu
- Vex 4
- 16Yongjin's Brick Breaker

Code and Game List Optimisation:
- The pages.js file (a file containing a list of all the games) has been made universal across the entire website
- Essentially games are even easier to add now

Coloured Icons/Logo Customisation Update:
- The Website Logo and fullscreen buttons are now in the SVG format
- The SVG format now allows for custom colours so the icons can match the text
- No More light and dark mode, the icons are the same as the text

Background fix:
- The background now doesnt scroll with the content
- Background position fixed was not used because it causes lag and low framerate
- The background is now an image that fills the whole screen and goes to the back on all pages

General Bug Fixes:
- Games such as lightbot and linerider link to the corrct files
- Abobos Big Adventure now works
- Suika Game/Merge Melon is now sized and position correctly
- Games with a "." in their name now display correctly on the search bar and home page
- The continue playing section now displays images and sets links correctly (previously there would be 2 /'s)
- The random game button now directs you to all games! (previously it would be either 2048 or run 3)


New Games Added!:
- 8 Ball Pool
- The Impossible Quiz
- Raft Wars 2
- Portal The Flash Version
- Papa's Scooperia
- Papa's Cheeseria
- Papa Louie: When Pizzas Attack
- Papa Louie 2
- Papa Louie 3
- Learn to Fly 3
- Flood Runner 4
- Douchebag Workout 2
- Douchebag Life
- Cactus McCoy
- Cactus McCoy 2
- Abobo's Big Adventure
- Time Shooter 2
- Time Shooter 3 SWAT
- There is No Game
- Quake 3 Arena Demo
- jsTetris
- Hextris
- Basket Random
- n-gon

Full Wesbite Remake:
- The Website has been remade to allow for easier updating, it is now far more reliant on javascript
- Parts of the website such as the Navigation Bar are now consistent across all pages

Customisation Update:
- A new tab on the navbar has been added
- This page allows for the customisation and creation of themes for the website
- Add your own background images (or gifs)
- Customise the websites colours
- Switch between light and dark mode

Fullscreen New Tab Button Update:
- Added a new fullscreen button to all pages that opens the game in a new about:blank window

Save File Manager Update:
- Save File Manager now allows the user to manage cookies

Server/URL Switcher:
- An almost pointless feature that allows you to switch the URL games are played on
- Switches between and

Scroll Bar Update:
- A new more simplistic custom scrollbar for the wesbite, rather than the browser default

Github Repo link on Homepage:
- There is now a link to the github repo and coolubg/coolubg2 on the homepage

Scaling Fix:
- The Scaling of elements throughout the pages has been changed because of the full remake


New Games Added!:
- Bob the Robber 2
- Vex 3
- 2
- Eggy car
- Johnny Upgrade

Recently Played / Missing Games Update:
- Previously when the user hadn't played any games (or had local storage turned off) "missing" games would appear in the recently played area
- Now they appear as a random "Featured" Game

Search Bar Update:
- Old search bar down the bottom has been replaced with a new one
- Located in the navbar of the home page
- Much more tradtional, easy to find, and use

Game List Update:
- Old list removed and replaced by a new system
- New system is easier to update and has new animations
- Newer system doesnt appear in an unsorted state whilst loading

Recently Played Fix:
- Underline animation fixed, an issue that wasnt noticed for months

All Games Button Fix:
- The all games button used to link to "list.html"
- "list.html" is no longer 404 not found, it now redirects to the list on the homepage

Logo Fix:
- On certain pages the logo still appeared as the old one
- The logo has been updated to the latest on all pages, as well as a few font changes

Additional Fixes:
- Slope updated to hopefully provide more consistent gameplay
- Slope Image/Thumbnail Updated